Saturday, August 28, 2010

Geodesic Dome part 4

We only managed to start doing our bamboo raft on the 4th week.
And our groups' progress can be consided very slow ald...
So, we decided to build our base 1st.
We start building at 6'o clock in the morning....
so hardworking....

Location: far behind IK
maesuring its length.
OMG......technique error....
saw wrongly....
so disappointed
Our gadgets
work patienly

worked 2gether.....tired but enjoyable..

Bamboo Dome part 3

In order to gather more idea on how to create a raft,
we had a group discussion at studio 100.
our outcome is...
The bamboo dome raft should be...
~light  (so tat, it is portable)
~floatable (If not, everyone will sink)
~connected tightly (By 'tali lembu')
aftereveryone looks serious...
Then, we decided to buy some more bamboos because we realised tat we still short of a number of bamboo shoots...
By the way, we had bought a tyre and 3 plastic containers to increase the bamboo rafts' floatability...

Plastic container which came from kedah~
each group only allowed to have 1 tyre+ 3 containers
After distributing all our material,
everyone decided to start doing thier bamboo raft as fast as possible.....
If possible..
finished it before hari raya....

Bamboo dome part 2

there were about 30 ++ppl join our group to hv some more bamboo at taman Rekreasi...
Everyone meet at RST after school...
And everyone broungh along their  own gadgets....

v went by bus.
Before going into the bamboo site....
Everyone need to write down their name and contract number in order to make sure evryone could came back safely....
Then we separated into a few group to find the bamboo cluster....
It really had comsumed us so much time....
We feel thirst as it was very hot on that day.

We had found it...
It was too high!!!!
So.... 3 of us(guys) were forced to climb up by all the choice..
The ground was so smooth..

We need to walk carefully....and i nearly fell down..
3 guys+10girls in 1 group
Nice bamboo...but too less....
how to make sure everyone can get it....
Dangerous..too high and smooth

 After choppping, we need to transfer all d bammboo down..
So, all the girl were required to lined up and passed the bamboos down one by one.
Girls also had contributed a lot...
so, we like to help them....
a gang of frenz came up....
and make us felt so disappaointed wif them....

Since we still short of bamboos....
we continue our journey to find another site...
and we lastly decided to joined another group to chopped down the tallest bamboo trees...
really tall+heavy.
hard to chopped down
wow....girl also wanna chop tree
Girls are helping us to tied up the chopped bamboos.
wah~girls more then guys
3 young bamboo shoots
We have originally 9 bamboo shoot.....
and left 5 at last...
There are a numbers of girls told us tat they bamboo was robbed....
robbed in front of thier eyes....
everyone felt angry wif our frenz....
included 3 of us...
We start moving bac at 6'o clock 
when we bac from taman ald dark
 Most of us worked hand in hand and help those who are in need.....
we passes the bamboo 2gether....
we moved the bamboos to cross the road 2gether...
some of our frenz....
they flee hemselves 1st.....
with their robbed bamboos....
run away as fast as tunder...without helping

Yvone felt sick....sign
not angry...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


After today lesson, 9 of us (3 groups) descided to find some bamboo shoots for our geodesic dome.
A hot day~

We were walking to the Taman Rekreasi

The trees is very tall~
Watch out of snakes~

Only girls had brought umbella....

"Im very tired.....&#@+*#$!!!"

finding bamboo cluster

Start working at 4pm

Everyone was buzy cutting the bamboo...

"Put them aside..."

Girls also helped us to carry the bamboos. 



A short cut to RST

Cows.....girls dun like them

"we cant move anymore......"
Is juz a start.......
A good start.....
Good luck~