Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bamboo Dome part 3

In order to gather more idea on how to create a raft,
we had a group discussion at studio 100.
our outcome is...
The bamboo dome raft should be...
~light  (so tat, it is portable)
~floatable (If not, everyone will sink)
~connected tightly (By 'tali lembu')
aftereveryone looks serious...
Then, we decided to buy some more bamboos because we realised tat we still short of a number of bamboo shoots...
By the way, we had bought a tyre and 3 plastic containers to increase the bamboo rafts' floatability...

Plastic container which came from kedah~
each group only allowed to have 1 tyre+ 3 containers
After distributing all our material,
everyone decided to start doing thier bamboo raft as fast as possible.....
If possible..
finished it before hari raya....

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